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Java IEEE Projects

Java Final Year IEEE Projects for Computer Science, CSE, IT, MCA

Websoft Technologies is pioneer is developing Java Final Year IEEE Projects for CSE, IT, MCA students. Websoft Technologies offers both readymade Projects and customized projects for Final Year projects for CSE. Java Projects are developed using Netbeans IDE and few are with Eclipse IDE and Database as MYSQL. Java IEEE Projects are available in all major Computer Science domains such as Cloud Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, NLP, Secure Computing, Network Security, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of things (IoT), Web Services etc. JP INFOTECH provides Final Year Projects for CSE, Engineering, IT, B.E., B.Tech., M.E., M.Tech., M.Phil., M.S., M.Sc., MCA, B.Sc., BCA, Diploma Projects.

The following are the list of Latest Final Year Java IEEE Projects. Students can click the required project title and see the details such as the Project Base Paper Abstract, with Output Video of the project and Software, Hardware requirements with the Reference of the IEEE Base Paper. If the student is interested to purchase any of the project, they can just click the Buy Link and purchase it in Online easily. In case if the Buy link is not available for any of the project, then they can email to us (or) Whatsapp with the project title, so we can send the details regarding it.

Java IEEE Final Year Projects 2022-2023

Sl. No. Project Code Project Title Domain
1 JPJ2201 A Proxy Re-Encryption Approach to Secure
Data Sharing in the Internet of Things Based on Blockchain
Cloud Computing
2 JPJ2202 A Verifiable and Fair Attribute-Based Proxy Re-Encryption
Scheme for Data Sharing in Clouds
Cloud Computing
3 JPJ2203 Attribute Based Encryption with Privacy Protection
and Accountability for CloudIoT
Cloud Computing
4 JPJ2204 Authorized Keyword Search over Outsourced
Encrypted Data in Cloud Environment
Cloud Computing
5 JPJ2205 Checking Only When It Is Necessary:
Enabling Integrity Auditing Based on the Keyword With Sensitive
Information Privacy for Encrypted Cloud Data
Cloud Computing
6 JPJ2206 DSAS: A Secure Data Sharing and Authorized
Searchable Framework for e-Healthcare System
Cloud Computing
7 JPJ2207 Dual Access Control for Cloud-Based
Data Storage and Sharing
Cloud Computing
8 JPJ2208 Dual-Server Public-Key Authenticated
Encryption with Keyword Search
Cloud Computing
9 JPJ2209 Enabling Fast Public Auditing and Data
Dynamics in Cloud Services
Cloud Computing
10 JPJ2211 Forward Secure Public Key Encryption with Keyword
Search for Outsourced Cloud Storage
Cloud Computing
11 JPJ2212 Lightweight and Expressive Fine-Grained Access
Control for Healthcare Internet-of-Things
Cloud Computing
12 JPJ2213 Practical Multi-Keyword Ranked Search With Access
Control Over Encrypted Cloud Data
Cloud Computing
13 JPJ2215 Publicly Verifiable Shared Dynamic Electronic
Health Record Databases With Functional Commitment
Supporting Privacy-Preserving Integrity Auditing
Cloud Computing
14 JPJ2216 Sanitizable Access Control System for Secure Cloud
Storage Against Malicious Data Publishers
Cloud Computing
15 JPJ2217 Secure and Lightweight Fine-Grained Searchable
Data Sharing for IoT-Oriented and Cloud-Assisted Smart
Healthcare System
Cloud Computing
16 JPJ2221 FADOHS: Framework for Detection and
Integration of Unstructured Data of Hate Speech on Facebook
Using Sentiment and Emotion Analysis
Data Mining
17 JPJ2224 Racism Detection by Analyzing Differential
Opinions Through Sentiment Analysis of Tweets
Using Stacked Ensemble GCR-NN Model
Data Mining

Java IEEE Final Year Projects for CSE,IT,MCA 2021

Sl. No. Project Code Project Title Domain
1 JPJ2101 A Fast Nearest Neighbor Search Scheme over Outsourced Encrypted Medical Images Cloud Computing
2 JPJ2102 A New Service Mechanism for Profit Optimizations of a Cloud Provider and Its Users Cloud Computing
3 JPJ2103 A Verifiable Semantic Searching Scheme by Optimal Matching over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud Cloud Computing
4 JPJ2104 Accountable Proxy Re-Encryption for Secure Data Sharing Cloud Computing
5 JPJ2105 Achieving secure, universal, and fine-grained query results verification for secure search scheme over encrypted cloud data Cloud Computing
6 JPJ2107 Certificateless public integrity checking of group shared data on cloud storage Cloud Computing
7 JPJ2108 CryptCloud+: Secure and Expressive Data Access Control for Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
8 JPJ2109 Crypt-DAC: Cryptographically Enforced Dynamic Access Control in the Cloud Cloud Computing
9 JPJ2110 Design of Secure Authenticated Key Management Protocol for Cloud Computing Environments Cloud Computing
10 JPJ2111 Dual Access Control for Cloud-Based Data Storage and Sharing Cloud Computing
11 JPJ2112 Efficient Identity-Based Distributed Decryption Scheme for Electronic Personal Health Record Sharing System Cloud Computing
13 JPJ2114 Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Keyword Search over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing
14 JPJ2115 PP-CSA: A Privacy-Preserving Cloud Storage Auditing Scheme for Data Sharing Cloud Computing
15 JPJ2116 Practical Multi-keyword Ranked Search with Access Control over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing
16 JPJ2117 Privacy Preserving Searchable Encryption with Fine-grained Access Control Cloud Computing
17 JPJ2118 Provably secure and lightweight identity-based authenticated data sharing protocol for
cyber-physical cloud environment
Cloud Computing
18 JPJ2119 Publicly Verifiable Shared Dynamic Electronic Health Record Databases with Functional Commitment Supporting Privacy-Preserving Integrity Auditing Cloud Computing
19 JPJ2120 Secure Fine-Grained Encrypted Keyword Search for E-Healthcare Cloud Cloud Computing
20 JPJ2121 SEPDP: Secure and Efficient Privacy Preserving Provable Data Possession in Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
21 JPJ2122 SeSPHR: A Methodology for Secure Sharing of Personal Health Records in the Cloud Cloud Computing
22 JPJ2123 Towards Achieving Keyword Search over Dynamic Encrypted Cloud Data with Symmetric-Key Based Verification Cloud Computing
23 JPJ2124 Improvising Personalized Travel Recommendation System with Recency Effects Data Mining
24 JPJ2125 Leveraging Affective Hashtags for Ranking Music Recommendations Data Mining
25 JPJ2126 Method for Ranking the Helpfulness of Online Reviews Based on SO-ILES TODIM Data Mining
26 JPJ2127 Personality-aware Product Recommendation System based on User Interests Mining and Meta-path Discovery Data Mining
27 JPJ2128 Suicidal Ideation Detection: A Review of Machine Learning Methods and Applications Data Mining
28 JPJ2129 BullyNet: Unmasking Cyberbullies on Social Networks Secure Computing
29 JPJ2130 oGBAC—A Group Based Access Control Framework for Information Sharing in Online Social Networks Secure Computing
30 JPJ2131 Sentiment Analysis of Lockdown in India During COVID-19: A Case Study on Twitter Computational Social Systems
31 JPJ2132 Privacy-Preserving Electronic Ticket Scheme with Attribute-Based Credentials Secure Computing
32 JPJ2133 Protecting Your Shopping Preference with Differential Privacy Secure Computing
33 JPJ2134 Sensitive Label Privacy Preservation with Anatomization for Data Publishing Secure Computing
34 JPJ2135 Detecting Mental Disorders in Social Media Through Emotional Patterns – The case of Anorexia and Depression Computational Social Systems
35 JPJ2136 Public Opinion Analysis on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia and Interaction With Event Evolution in Real World Computational Social Systems
36 JPJ2137 Hybrid Recommender System for Tourism Based on Big Data and AI: A Conceptual Framework Artificial Intelligence

Java IEEE Final Year Projects 2020

Sl. No. Project Code Project Title Domain
1 JPJ2001 A Key-Policy Attribute-Based Temporary Keyword Search scheme for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
2 JPJ2002 A New Lightweight Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for String Identification Cloud Computing
3 JPJ2003 A Novel Feature Matching Ranked Search Mechanism Over Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing
4 JPJ2004 A Scalable Attribute-Based Access Control Scheme with Flexible Delegation cum Sharing of Access Privileges for Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
5 JPJ2005
6 JPJ2006 Attribute-Based Cloud Data Integrity Auditing for Secure Outsourced Storage Cloud Computing
7 JPJ2009 Efficient Regular Language Search for Secure Cloud Storage Cloud Computing
9 JPJ2012 Enabling Efficient User Revocation in Identity-based Cloud Storage Auditing for Shared Big Data Cloud Computing
10 JPJ2014 Improving Security and Privacy Attribute Based Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
11 JPJ2017 Optimizing Information Leakage in Multicloud Storage Services Cloud Computing
13 JPJ2022 Secure Keyword Search and Data Sharing Mechanism for Cloud Computing Cloud Computing
14 JPJ2024 Toward Practical Privacy-Preserving Frequent Itemset Mining on Encrypted Cloud Data Cloud Computing
15 JPJ2027 Detecting Group Shilling Attacks in Online Recommender Systems Based on Bisecting K-Means Clustering Data Mining
16 JPJ2029 Emotion Detection in Online Social Networks: A Multi-label Learning Approach Data Mining
17 JPJ2031 Movie Recommendation System Using Sentiment Analysis From Microblogging Data Data Mining
18 JPJ2033 Personalized Recommendation System based on Collaborative Filtering for IoT Scenarios Data Mining
19 JPJ2034 TAQE: Tweet Retrieval Based Infrastructure Damage Assessment During Disasters Data Mining
20 JPJ2035 What and With Whom? Identifying Topics in Twitter Through Both Interactions and Text Data Mining
21 JPJ2041 Detection of Malicious Social Bots Using Learning Automata With URL Features in Twitter Network Secure Computing
22 JPJ2047 Detecting and Characterizing Extremist Reviewer Groups in Online Product Reviews Machine Learning
23 JPJ2048 Suicidal Ideation Detection: A Review of Machine Learning Methods and Applications Machine Learning
24 JPJ2049 A Sentiment Polarity Categorization Technique for Online Product Reviews NLP (Natural Language Processing)
25 JPJ2050 Characterizing the Propagation of Situational Information in Social Media During COVID-19 Epidemic: A Case Study on Weibo NLP (Natural Language Processing)
26 JPJ2051 Feature-Level Rating System Using Customer Reviews and Review Votes NLP (Natural Language Processing)
27 JPJ2052 PASPORT: A Secure and Private Location Proof Generation and Verification Framework Mobile Computing

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